Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year, New President: Let's Get Down to Business!

There is a very exciting day in the near future for us pro-choicers. January 20th is the inauguration of Barack Obama. This is the end of 8 long years of a president who did everything in his power to restrict and attack reproductive rights. More importantly, it is a new beginning. Our new president fully supports protecting women's health. In fact, he has said that one of his first actions as president will be to rescind the global gag rule (an executive order that prohibits U.S. funding from going to any international clinic that does abortions or has information about abortions).

This will definitely be a day for celebration. It is also a time for us to think about what pro-active measures we can take to ensure that reproductive rights are protected in our country and around the world. For once, we won't have to be on the defensive constantly! We have a president who is our ally and who will work with us to advance our agenda. Let's take advantage of it!

Contact me to learn how you can work with Planned Parenthood to advance reproductive rights in 2009 and beyond:

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