Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Tides are Changing!

Here's a little update from Planned Parenthood Federation of America President, Cecile Richards:

If President Obama’s pro-women’s health agenda during his first 100 days is indicative of what we can expect during the next four years, we have much to look forward to! Since taking office, the president has shown his commitment to women’s health care on a wide range of issues: repealing the global gag rule, restating his commitment to protecting a woman’s right to choose, creating a White House Council on Women and Girls, expanding access to affordable birth control, and calling for evidence-based, medically accurate sex education. (Check out my Huffington Post blog on President Obama’s top 10 women’s health achievements during his first 100 days.) We’re grateful for President Obama’s leadership on health care and his commitment to reducing the number of unintended pregnancies. Here’s to making women’s health care a priority!

Also,the final member of President Obama’s Cabinet has been confirmed — and not a moment too soon! Governor Kathleen Sebelius’ confirmation as secretary of health and human services is an important victory for women and families who are struggling to afford quality health care. In the face of anti-choice opposition to her nomination, Planned Parenthood mobilized 37,712 activists, who e-mailed their senators with the message that Sebelius’ record and credentials make her an outstanding addition to the Cabinet.

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