Friday, January 23, 2009

Global Gag Rule

Many news sources today are claiming that President Obama will "issue an order restoring U.S. funding for international family-planning groups involved with abortion. But he chose not to do so on Thursday, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade."

For the past eight years, the Bush administration’s gag rule has prevented thousands of health care providers around the world from making basic services such as birth control accessible to women. As the U.S. has lead by example, the global gag rule has had a chilling effect on governments around the globe, sending the message that women’s health is not a priority and undermining the political will necessary to make it so. Many groups have chosen not to comply with the rule, thus forcing them to forgo funding. Meanwhile, the global gag rule has put a strangle hold on women’s health around the world. An estimated 20 million unsafe abortions occur every year, and this dangerous number has only been exacerbated by the gag rule. Denying women basic services such as birth control also perpetuates the cycle of poverty.

The words and actions of both President Obama and Secretary Clinton clearly show that this Administration will move – and we believe soon – to overturn the global gag rule. This is a clear indication that the Administration will work to make the U.S. a leader in ensuring freedom, justice and rights worldwide. We look forward to working with the Obama administration to make healthcare for women a priority for women in the U.S. and overseas.

Stay tuned today for more on the hopeful action of President Obama to overturn the Global Gag Rule!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Great news! The global gag rule has been repealed by President Obama.