Friday, March 6, 2009


We are so close to having affordable birth control BUT WE NEED YOU TO MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS!

On Wednesday we were made aware of an attempt by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) to strip this provision out of the bill calling it an "earmark" directly supporting the efforts of Planned Parenthood. But the fact is this fix does not provide funding to Planned Parenthood - or anyone else! It would simply fix a mistake in the law that put up a roadblock for pharmaceutical companies that wanted to offer cheaper drugs to health clinics.

Once we defeat this amendment for good, we will need to take credit for this monumental win.

PPFA has posted a video ( on why affordable birth control is important and we need your help! Please follow the link and create your own video why affordable birth control is important.

We are looking for stories and videos that answer the question: Why is affordable birth control important to YOU? For example, as college students you can talk about the cost textbooks, food, tuition, ramen noodles - anything - and hammer in the point that you are doing your part to pay for college, now it is the government's turn to make sure you can continue receiving this basic health care without losing other key essentials to succeed in college.

PPFA hopes to post as many videos on YouTube before Wednesday, March 11. And be sure to include the state of residence – these videos will be sent to your Congressperson.

After two years of hard work by YOU - our VOX members and Planned Parenthood staff members - we are SO CLOSE to restoring access to affordable birth control. In total, 50,000 postcards from all across the nation asking YOUR elected officials to pass affordable birth control legislation were collected. VOX students from around the country have been lobbying key officials on the hill and making a huge impact with senate leadership. You have written letters to the editor, op-eds, and media outreach in local and college papers, highlighting the importance of needing this legislation passed. And last fall almost 300 campuses in forty five states across the country participated in our Affordable Birth Control Week of Action, urging their community members to support affordable birth control.

This is your time to tell Congress and the President why affordable birth control is important to you! Please share your story on YouTube ( and let everyone know why affordable birth control is commonsense basic healthcare!

If you post a video on YouTube please let us know,, that way we can alert the national PP office to watch it and pass it on to your Congressperson.

Thanks for the quick action!!!

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