Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Vitter Amendment- Seriously?!

This is one of those moments I'm not proud to say I'm from Louisiana. Usually, I declare my birthplace with a smile, but lately, Sen. Vitter is really getting on my nerves. At least he's not my Senator, but what he's trying to do could affect women, men, and teens across the U.S.

Just this week he's announced an Amendment to the Appropriations Act that would keep Planned Parenthoods across the country from receiving Title X (that's the nation's family planning funding) money. He's tried these stunts before in the name of his "pro-life" values, but yet again, they don't really make sense to me.

So, let me get try to get this straight: You, Mr. Vitter, are going to take away money that PREVENTS unintended pregnancy (and has nothing to with abortion because Title X cannot be used for abortions) from the organization that is the LEADING reproductive health care provider in the nation? ... the very organization that prevents the most unintended pregnancies, and therefore abortions, in America? How does this achieve your supposed goal of lessening the number of abortions again? And how does this make sense when more people than ever find themselves with out health insurance or enough money to go to the doctor?

Oh, wait. It doesn't. And most people get that. Again, women's healthcare is being thrown under the bus for political gain.

There are almost 900 Planned Parenthoods from coast to coast, and we provide over 5 million people a year with family planning services. To take this option away from people at a time like this is not only non-sensical, it's immoral.

Take Action:

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